Spudtech LLC
22911 5th St NW
New London, MN 56273

We double check every order but sometimes mistakes happen. We are fair, friendly and understanding but if you are a jerk you will get the same in return. We are under no obligation to put on a fake smile and kiss your butt.

Questions already answered on the website or forum will not get a response.

Phone Calls
Phone calls are not the best method to reach us.
If you must call do not call repeatly if there is no answer or your number may automatically be ignored by the system.
If there is no answer leave a detailed message. The more detail in the message the better the reply.
Messages like "Dude, I have a question call me." will not get a response.

Phone Orders
We don't accept them peroid!
Orders need to go through the system to process payment.

General Questions
General questions are best handled in the forum or the frequently asked questions on the website.
If you send a question that is already answered in the forum or FAQ you will probably not get a reply.
Click here to go to the forum.

Order Status or Questions
Requesting a general order status wasts time and get me further behind on shipping orders.
Things get busy at times and a flood of order stats request just make things worse.
If you honestly think there is a problem with your order please fell free to check but most of the time your order will be in line waiting it's turn.
Please login to your account to check the current status of your order.
Questions reguarding orders are best handled by filling out the form below.
Be sure to include your order number and double check you email address.

Custom project requests should start by filling out the form below.
We need details and time to do custom projects so do not expect a custom project to start with a phone call.
Fill out the form below starting with your full name, phone number and a general description of the project followed by specific requirements and as much detail as necessary to get started.
After reviewing your project we will follow up with an email so be absolutly sure you enter the correct email address.

IF YOU USE GMAIL,MSN,HOTMAIL,YAHOO BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER FOR REPLIES. If you find a spudtech message in your spam folder please mark it as not spam. Thanks.

Contact Us
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