Increase accuracy and safety with new rifled barrels!


PVC pipe and fittings are not approved by the manufacturer to be used for constructing spudguns.

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 0-100 psi Pressure Gauge.
 1.5" CLEAR SCH 40 Rifled Pipe - 4 foot
 1.5" SCH 40 Rifled PVC Pipe
 125 psi safety pop-off valve.
 2" SCH 40 Rifled PVC Pipe
 2" SCH 80 Rifled PVC Pipe
 2" SCH 80 Smoothbore Pipe
 2.5" SCH 40 Tennis Ball Barrels
 4" CLEAR SCH 40 PVC Pipe
 6" sch 40 PVC pipe
 BBQ Ignitor
 CO2 Regulator Setup
 Rifled Barrel T-Shirt
 Schrader Valve
 Sprinkler Valves/Systems
 The SGTC Propane Metering Device.
 The SGTC Supah-Valve T-shirt

Details for the ThunderpipeFX1

I will add more to this page soon but you can click HERE to see how this little monster has been used.

Or go HERE to see more.

You can order this launcher in the Spudtech Store.


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